ThinkProxi pioneers contact-less engagement for safer museums
2020 has been the longest year of most of our lives and embracing the “new normal” will likely make the second half of the year go by slower than your 1994 dial up internet connection.
Of the many hopes we have about returning to normal life, museum go’ers are excited about the prospect of visiting some of the unique places that have always been on their bucket list. Being cooped up in the house for months during quarantine has given us all plenty of time to plan some elaborate daytrips and checking that museum downtown off your list should be one of them.
Unfortunately, many museums offer guided tours, and audio experiences requiring publicly used technology…How is that going to work with social distancing, and our newly acquired heightened fear of germs? It’s not.
ThinkProxi has been a key player in the contact-less experience game for nearly 6 years, and our solution can help any museum adopt safer, smarter, more sanitary means for patrons to experience an audio tour while social distancing inside the museums.
ThinkProxi uses iBeacon technology paired with a custom mobile application specific to your favorite museum. Simply download the museums app from the Apple App Store, or Google Play, switch on your Bluetooth (if its not on already like most of us) and engage with the exhibits via your exact location.
Imagine walking into your favorite new museum, touching nothing but your personal mobile device, and absorbing all of the rich, fascinating, captivating history the museum has to offer about each exhibit you pass on your stroll. Each exhibit associated with the proximity sensor, or Beacon, automatically passes the video, audio, image, and text content about the exhibit right to your personal mobile device. While you are browsing the content, you have the option to share this experience through your social media channels and make all the kids in your neighborhood jealous about your awesome daytrip.
Museums, now more than ever, need our support and patronage. Every business was hit hard thanks to Covid-19 and 2020’s evil plan to ruin our lives. During the great recession of 2008/09, arts and cultural programs lost more than almost any other industry. As budgets were cut on the state and local levels, arts & history programs were the first line items to get axed. Some never recovered. With the ThinkProxi contact-less engagement system, we can ensure these historical sites and programs can continue running in the safest way possible.