How Beacon Technology Is Disrupting Traditional Tradeshows and Event Planning And Why It’s A Good Thing!

How Beacon Technology Is Disrupting Traditional Tradeshows and Event Planning And Why It’s A Good Thing! 1

Beacon Technology is one of the most helpful advancements for marketers that’s come about in years. With customer experience expectations at an all-time high, event planners and tradeshow coordinators are constantly challenged to find ways to make sure their events’ perceived return on investment (ROI) is high for attendees.

Event-specific applications that attendees download in advance have been present and successful for tradeshows and other events for the past few years. These work with attendees’ phones to help them with planning sessions and being aware of any schedule changes.

Beacon technology turns up the volume on the event app offering to make it even more helpful and engaging. They can be used to disrupt the “same ole same ole” at events and tradeshows in 6 key ways:

1: Offers Stress-Less Check-In

Beacons can be placed strategically around the entrance of the event facility. Users who download the app in advance and enable their Bluetooth will get “pinged” by the beacon when they enter the location. The app then automatically checks the person in. No more long lines for attendees!

Another plus is that this set up allows the event planners to see who has checked in and how many attendees the event brings in, which is important for marketing future events.

2: Tracks Continuing Education Requirements

Continuing education credits are a big reason people attend conferences. Most conferences operate either on the “honor system” or by using paper to record the people that attend each session and the length of time they were present. Some mobile apps have a “check in” feature, but anyone can check into a session from anywhere if they have the app on their phone. None of these methods are fool-proof or accurately track who should receive education credits.

Beacons allow for the check-in and check-out process to happen based on the proximity of the user entering the session. This solution allows organizers to verify attendance for CE credit issuance with an accurate time/date stamp. There’s no user-initiated action needed and the app doesn’t need to be open for the check-in and check-out to take place. It’s the most seamless CE tracking system available today with the highest level of accuracy.

3: Enables Accessible Navigation

Hundreds of attendees wandering through the hallways trying to follow a paper map to the next session is SO 2010.

Using beacon technology, event planners can help attendees pinpoint their location at any given time in relation to where they are trying to go. In addition, users can receive a notification of the sessions that are in close proximity to them every time they walk past a beacon. It increases session attendance and fosters engagement for the attendee, plus it takes the stress out of figuring out the lay out of the conference.

4: Delivers Engaging Gamification

Using games to engage consumers isn’t new, but it’s highly effective. Event and tradeshow planners can ramp up excitement and interest in different aspects of the event by using beacon technology and gamification together.

For example, offer rewards for their valuable feedback and prizes for visiting a certain number of exhibits. The beacons are able to log the attendees’ movements automatically and quantify this information easily. Beacons inside scheduled sessions can create an environment where the guests can ask questions directly through the app to the presenter.

All these gamification ideas employ beacon technology to increase the attendees’ satisfaction and perceived ROI of attending the event.

5: Contributes Additional Revenue Opportunities

Tradeshows and events live and die by their sponsors. What better way to increase the attractiveness of being an event sponsor than with beacon technology?

Exhibitors can opt, for an additional fee, to receive a beacon close to their booth. When attendees walk by, they will get notifications about a prize, game, or discount opportunity going on at that booth. The exhibitors receive more visits at their booth and are better able to promote their brand. The tradeshow or event coffers get more money. It’s a win-win!

6: Provides Unparalleled Attendee Intel

The long-term disruption caused by beacon technology for tradeshows and events comes from the data the beacons collect. In-depth information such as which sessions and exhibitors were the most popular, what topics were the favorites, the number of people who attended the after-hour events, and the easy surveys are at the planners’ fingertips. Information like this can be leveraged into making the next event or tradeshow even better and more highly attended.

Deciding to implement beacon technology into an event or tradeshow’s app is a good move. Not only will it expand the event’s appeal and strengthen the brand, it acts as a catalyst to increase attendance and customer satisfaction while also providing ways to drive additional revenue from sponsors and exhibitors. Disrupt your next event with beacon technology and see the resulting success!

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